
Diary - 2015年3月

Alarm clock 8am. Ummm, but saturday... Decided to sleep again.

12am. Longer sleep than expected. Go out the bed.

Breakfast, hebrew or physics? Before that, laundry. Open the suitcase of last week's conference. Ah, and this denim should be washed today.

Breakfast... what should I do... Yesterday aglio olio peperoncino. I don't want pasta now. Ok, some flake with milk, and yogurt with pomegranate source.

It must be a very good day today. Go out for some walk! With PC, and do some work at ice cream shop?

But before that, play the piano once.

Went out. Very good day as expected. Not so hot, good to walk, good to iced yogurt.

Returned home. The effect of jet energy scaling... Ah, laundry done. Take it out, and ... put on the floor.

Yes, MC starts running. Ok, hang the laundry, and do some hebrew...

Ah, the Sun is setting. Go out to the hill; enjoyed the landscape and the sunset.

Come back to home, continue hebrew.

...dinner, but want to finish this section. Bite baguette...

Finished, and it's 9pm!? too much I have spent for this section... Dinner... bothersome. Microwave the hamburgs I made yesterday (but not so good), and ...was going to have the baguette, but I had finished. Ok, frozen pizza.

And take a shower and sleep.... Dishes are tomorrow's job.


Israel and Japan seem to share a tendency to nationalism or exclusionism. At the same point, we should recognize that "Exodus" is not "Escape". 「逃げる」ではなく「抜け出す」という言葉で理解することは重要だと思う。

I had been giving up many things that I had concerned about, and these days see Japanese news with laughing, such as Japanese food with altered labels to hide the radioactive, people who use the word "放射脳".

僕が言葉の usage に十分注意を払うのは,僕が多くの言語 (incl. those in mathematics and computer programming) を扱うことと関係していると思う。忌避している言葉が幾つかあって,それを見ただけで嫌な気分になる。先日も旧友から「よければ是非」みたいな,倒錯した phrase を含んだ message が来て,しばらく嫌な感じだった。

日本で育児をする,というのがどれほど大変なのかは知らないが,自分の生活のなかにそういう要素が入りそうにないこともまた一方で確かである。結婚とか子供とかにあまり興味がないので,自分がそういう要素の入り込みそうにない生活を送っているのだと思う。On that sense, I have been gave up so many things thinking that they were irrelevant to me. It finally results in seeing Japan as a backward nation.



科学の手法,少なくとも僕が科学者として使っている限りの,に拠れば,福島第一原発での meltdown の危険性を証明するには,と書いた段階でもう科学の手法に拠っているのだけれど,そのためには証拠を挙げなければならない。


心臓の pacemaker が携帯電話によって誤作動して人間が死ぬ,という話もあって,それはどうやらそのようではないということが明らかになった。

科学の手法に基づく実証と,社会に対する影響あるいは社会の反応というのは,このように別個のものあって,あるいは社会という言葉を避けると,"risk" が個人に及ぼす危害あるいは個人の "risk" に対する反応というのはこのように別個のものである。

